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: hehualan@chyingfeng.com : 0755-81707311 |

What is UV-C LED?

UV-C LED refers to a type of light-emitting diode (LED) that emits ultraviolet (자외선) radiation in the C-band of the UV spectrum, specifically wavelengths between 200 그리고 280 nanometers (nm). UV-C radiation is known for its germicidal properties, as it can effectively destroy the DNA and RNA of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, thus inhibiting their ability to multiply and cause infections.

UV-C LEDs have gained significant attention and application in various fields, including water and air purification, surface disinfection, medical sterilization, and food preservation. Compared to traditional UV-C lamps, UV-C LEDs offer several advantages such as smaller size, lower energy consumption, longer lifespan, and absence of harmful mercury content. These qualities make UV-C LEDs highly suitable for portable and small-scale disinfection applications, where traditional UV-C lamps may be impractical or less efficient.


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